Monday, July 8, 2013

I have the most perfect roommates in our London flat!  It was so much fun to meet everyone today, and we had no idea who we would be living with.  I have four roommates and we all have things in common, but also have differences that really complement each other.  What a fun three weeks this will be. We are living right in the heart of London in a historic building.

Flying overnight made the trip seem short, but my brain feels vacuous tonight.  After an orientation meeting, a quick walking tour of the neighborhood and then dinner,  I was not successful in connecting my laptop to the wireless internet.  I wanted to share my picture of my mascot helping me pack, but that will have to wait until tomorrow.  You may remember that my mascot is a flying dragon and he is crying out for a name.  Does anyone have a suggestion?  Perhaps he will remain unnamed until I go to Wales, Land of Legends, at the end of the month.  He helped me pack so much that it is now spread all over my bed and I need to go organize it so my new roommates don't regret living with me! 

I suppose I'll get used to the people driving on the other side of the road.  There really are lots of double decker busses.  Tomorrow we start classes and I will see if I can get help with my laptop.

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