Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Off to Cardiff

I shared a cab to Paddington Station with a flatmate, and took the train to Cardiff.  Yes, this is the station of storybook bear fame and I have been through there once before at an ungodly time in the morning on the way to Paris.  That time I saw the bear statue briefly and found it disappointing. 

The public transportation system here is extensive and while we used the tube (subway, underground) a lot during our stay in London, as well as the bus system, I am unfamiliar with the trains and the other forms of transportation I will need to use during the rest of my trip.  Learning curve!  I booked my Paddington to Cardiff ticket the night before via computer, and also reserved a hotel in Cardiff that is RIGHT NEXT TO the train station which is also the bus station.  Any friends familiar with my geographical impairment will understand why this is important for me.  (My flatmate Martha whom we nicknamed the "Human GPS" is now back home in Florida, but she needn't worry about having to come find me as she did a few times in past weeks.)  The first thing I found out when I arrived at Paddington was that you have some leeway with certain tickets.  I had to retrieve my ticket from a machine, and I noticed that it could be used at various other times yesterday morning.  Because I had arrived early, I was able to take a train a half hour earlier than I had planned.  (This was good, because all the trains were delayed en route, and I got in about the time I would have if I had taken the later train!)  The next thing I found out was that you do not find out what platform your train departs from until sometimes moments before you need to board.  People stand and watch a board and finally your train's sign indicates a platform.  (An elderly woman shared with me that she got a tip-off from a staff member about her train's platform because it is too hard for her to maneuver there in time.)  I had some heavy luggage and was anxious to board in time to stick my large bag in the small holding area because I could not lift it nor did I think it would fit in the overhead space.  I therefore memorized the location of all the platforms before I resumed my sign watching, and was successful in doing this.  The scenery from the train was not overly interesting, but I did notice that Reading, England has a huge Oracle facility.  (Yes, the tech company that some of our friends work for at home, although there is also apparently a huge mall in Reading by that name but I don't know if there is any relation.)


Here is a view from my hotel room, 10th floor, and you can actually see the tracks I came in on.  I feel good about being so close to the place I will return from on Monday morning to get my Heathrow flight Monday night.  (Hmmm...I can see it but can I remember how to get to it?)   Speaking of technology in the above paragraph brings me to the horror of not being able to connect to the hotel's free wi fi last night.  My iPhone connected without any problem, but my laptop absolutely would not.  The Welsh are very friendly and the service desk people sent someone up to help, then sent their expert up later, but none of this could get me connected.  Today it works!  I am posting quickly because I want to visit Cardiff Castle which is right up the street.  I walked past it last night.

My dragon seems to enjoy the view, and as you can see he is learning Welsh from the dictionary I bought in Oxford.  I have only heard a few people speaking it, but it is on all official signs.  Everyone speaks English, and I have met a few people who moved here from London. 

I am going to charge the computer without signing out because I am terrified of losing my connection.  I also noticed when I was able to connect to their site that they are running an extra discount this week.  That will be a plus.  Off to the castle....

1 comment:

  1. Glad you arrived safely. Have a fantastic Welsh experience!
