Saturday, July 13, 2013

The British Museum was high on my list of places to visit in London, and I was thrilled to discover it is only half a block from our campus.  I have already visited twice and will go many more times while I am here.  My grandfather did research there, when the British Library was in the basement, each time he came to England on sabbatical.  The museum is full of treasures, a few of which are shown below.  (Our class was challenged to choose one color and create a mosaic.)

Admission to the museum is free and I can walk there in mere minutes!  Those of you who know me well can imagine what a joy this is.  A flatmate and I discovered a used bookstore today, of the out-of-print and disorganized variety, so this has been a perfect day.  I could exist happily in this neighborhood for a long time.

Doing things that family members did before makes me feel closer to people who are no longer here.  I still have a postcard that my grandparents sent me from the Queen Mary on their way to England for one sabbatical.  (I was four years old.)  That Queen is now a hotel in Long Beach, CA so our family went and spent the night there a few years ago.

Taking a Cunard ship across the ocean is another one of my dreams.  Did you know they hire librarians?  Unfortunately you need to speak at least two languages fluently.  I will have to go as a passenger.  Actually my real Cunard dream is to take their round-the-world cruise. 

We all have dreams, but there is no reason they can't come true.  Someone at work has a great quote about a goal being a dream with a plan.  What is your plan today?  Check back soon to find out about my trip to Highgate Cemetery tomorrow.  Oh...and the British Museum is hosting a special exhibit about Pompeii and Herculaneum.  There is a charge for that, but I'll get a discount with my student i.d.!  Just one of the many benefits of life-long learning...

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