Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Our photo challenge today was to create a story in 5 pictures.  In case you cannot intuit the meaning of the following I will give you a few hints.

Clearly the woman in the first photo is a spy or someone trying to remain anonymous. (She bears a striking resemblance to a colleague, but that is of no consequence.)  Where is she going?  The other photos give you clues and in the end, well....I give you the answer just in case it has been a few years since you read any of Dahl's books.  The Dahl Centre is brimming with creativity and encourages it in both children and adults.  So no need to remain anonymous, mysterious lady in green.

I had a less than creative day, having to miss our group's visit to the Harry Potter Studios.  It started late yesterday when I discovered when London's commuter rush occurs.  I was taking the tube (translation: subway) on an exceedingly hot day and was underground waiting for my connecting train when the sign showed it was "held."  I was told this generally means a malfunction or that something happened on the train.  My friend and I waited as the platform got fuller and fuller with people coming off other trains, and it got hotter and hotter. (One also has an uncomfortable feeling about being too close to the edge of the platform with so many people pressing behind.) 

The train finally arrived and all of us crushed into it.  It was incredibly hot and when we finally arrived at our destination station the platform air felt cool by comparison.  (This area of Europe has been experiencing an uncharacteristic heat wave which seems to be breaking today.)  After walking back to my flat I was dehydrated and had the beginnings of a heat headache which would not respond to pain relievers.

Anyway, to see reports of the amazing visit to the Harry Potter Studios, see my colleagues' blogs as listed on the group Facebook page.  I had an adventure of my own today, spending several hours removing malicious traces of a program from an Eastern European country from my laptop.  Thoughts of the money removed from my checking account during a previous visit to that area, where the sophisticated skills of those who perpetrate internet theft are unequaled, finally drove me to make an appointment with the IT Administrator here.  He helped tremendously, making a number of changes, and I now feel safe.


I have also been told by the mystery woman that the IT gentleman doesn't just handle these sorts of issues, but takes the hardware portion of his job seriously also.  He was the only person she could find who had a Phillips head screwdriver and he fixed the clasp on her purse!

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